Wednesday, November 2, 2011

E-Parasites Act- Current Event #4

The E-Parasites Act, which currently is in the Senate, aims to block access to copyright infringing websites.  The government will have the power to create a "blacklist" of websites.  To be on the list they must be "foreign infringing sites" and "have only limited purpose or use other than" infringement.  Sites such as would be blocked under this act.

The main criticism of this act is that the criteria for websites it blocks, is too broad.  It allows for for two much decisions to made on the whim of government officials.  It has been nicknamed "The Great Firewall of America", which is a pun of "The Great Wall of China", and compares China's fierce internet censor laws to the possible future of the United States.

I think this bill has the possibitly to pass, because it has lots of support.  However, it also has a large opposition, so if it does pass, it might be in a modified and watered down form.

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